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One of our goals at CG Benefits Group is to help employees understand their benefits. Many employees are often confused about how various components of their health care work such as deductibles, co-insurance, and co-pays.

In the first of our series aimed at helping you understand your benefits, we will discuss what a co-pay is in health insurance plans and how to find out what your co-pays are.

A co-pay is a defined amount of money that is used by the insurance company to charge you for utilizing a service. Commonly you are charged a co-pay for doctor, specialist, and hospital visits. Typical co-pays can range from fifteen Dollars for a doctor visit to one hundred and fifty Dollars per day for a hospital visit.

If you are unsure about how much you co-pays are, then look on your insurance ID card. Most insurance carriers print the co-pays for your primary care physician and specialist visits on the ID card for convenience. If you insurance carrier does not list the co-pay, or if you would like to find out how much your co-pay is for other services, then you can call CG Benefits Group and speak to your assigned customer service representative at 888-242-4675.