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HVAC Companies

As the seasons change, your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning business becomes more important to your customers and the work rolls in. Your company gets busier, your employees move faster, and as business increases, so does the risk for something to go wrong.

Ensure your company is on the right track by purchasing the right insurance for HVAC businesses. You’ll need to cover your business, operations, and employees.

Insure Your HVAC Business

Any business owner would be remiss to operate without general liability insurance and professional liability insurance. General liability–also known as comprehensive commercial liability—protects your company from on the job injuries as well as any negligence claims a customer may file against you. When coupled with property insurance, you can protect your equipment against possible property damages as well.

Your professional liability insurance covers claims made against individual employees and 1099 subcontractors. Your workers are considered the HVAC experts when installing, repairing and maintaining climate control systems in a home or office building, and they are accountable to provide appropriate services and knowledgeable advice. Professional liability also covers any necessary legal defense costs against negligence claims.

Insure Your Operations

Have work, must travel? Then you must retain an auto insurance policy for your fleet. Anything can happen on the road, so it is best to cover your trucks with a commercial auto insurance policy. works with major insurance carriers so we can find comprehensive coverage at the best possible rates for your needs.

When your vehicles aren’t on the go, fidelity bonds and surety bonds can protect you against theft of equipment from your trucks or job site. These policies also protect your business in the event of employee theft or destruction of property while working in a home or office.

Insure Your Employees

All New Jersey businesses must carry workers compensation insurance. Especially important in companies that provide manual labor services as your HVAC business, your workers are at risk to sustain injuries while on the job. Workers comp programs allow your employees to get the compensation they need if their injuries require treatment and time out of work.  They also protect your company from directly paying potentially high injury costs. also offers reasonable and comprehensive group health insurance policies.